Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Boys

Louie and Patch are our two boys.  Yell "BOYS!" and they come running, yell an angry deep "BOYS!" and they stop cold.  Even though Patch is a youthful 2, they both seem to only get in trouble together. Big surprise there.  These two can drive us simply batty at times, however the love and companionship they give out weighs any trouble they create. We often think it is our responsibility to take care of our pets, keeping them fed, healthy and happy. However you come to realize that they often end up taking care of us, keeping us happy year after year.

These two portraits were shot for the family as holiday gifts.  My Grandmother puts photos of all the family dogs in the geneology, as well as framed on a wall in her home.  These shots are her newest additions.  She was finally able to meet Louie and Patch this year, so it was time to add the boys to the long list of Emma, Maude, Jake, Alice, Zorro, Samson, Maggie, Midnight, Dusty (Louie and Patch's older brother), and their cousin Lola.