Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Boys

Louie and Patch are our two boys.  Yell "BOYS!" and they come running, yell an angry deep "BOYS!" and they stop cold.  Even though Patch is a youthful 2, they both seem to only get in trouble together. Big surprise there.  These two can drive us simply batty at times, however the love and companionship they give out weighs any trouble they create. We often think it is our responsibility to take care of our pets, keeping them fed, healthy and happy. However you come to realize that they often end up taking care of us, keeping us happy year after year.

These two portraits were shot for the family as holiday gifts.  My Grandmother puts photos of all the family dogs in the geneology, as well as framed on a wall in her home.  These shots are her newest additions.  She was finally able to meet Louie and Patch this year, so it was time to add the boys to the long list of Emma, Maude, Jake, Alice, Zorro, Samson, Maggie, Midnight, Dusty (Louie and Patch's older brother), and their cousin Lola.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

My girls

So, I'm posting some photos of a more personal nature.  I just spent 2 days in Toledo with my brother and his family.  My nieces Kara and Reagan are quite the pair.  At 4 and 2 they keep you going with lots of personality.    They were all about me taking photos.  At one point the 2 year old grabbed my tripod and drug it from the other end of the room and dropped it in front of me.  I guess it was time to catch some shots of her.

These two photos were among my favorites.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rockets red glare

During my month long boating trip I had the fortune of being witness to many beautiful sights.  Most from a perspective few people have to opportunity to experience.  While sitting on the back deck of the sidewheeler Lida Ann in Marietta during the '09 Sternwheel Regatta watching fireworks, I look over to the Henny Cook and observe a wonderful sight.  The moment quickly went from enjoying the fireworks to a exercise in photographic creation.

Typically I don't photograph fireworks.  No particular reason, just not something I usually have a motivation to capture.  This day proved to be different. The shadows created by the random smoke and bursts of light were all I needed. Fuel for the fire.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Scenes on a river

This past weekend begins our yearly participation in the sternwheel regattas of Pt. Pleasant WV, Marietta OH and Pomeroy OH. Working, traveling, living, and having fun on a sternwheel boat ( or a sidewheeler as is our case ) reveals many beautiful photo ops few people get a chance to see. With the help of a random internet connection from port to port, I will post some eye candy along the way.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Foundations of my future

This morning I was listening to a recording made in 1968 of an interview my uncle conducted with my Great Great Grandmother. Yes, my Grandmother's Grandmother. Grandma Maude, as she was referred to by me up until she passed away when I was 4 years old, was born in 1878. Needless to say the interview was interesting.

After listening I was forced to reflect on my own grandparents and my connection with my family's history. As I write this, at 36 years old, all 4 of my grandparents are living. Something not too common it seems. In 2006 I decided to photograph each of them and capture a part of life and experience unique to me. I wanted to convey within each portrait how I see each of them. Creativity, confidence, tenderness and independence are only a fraction of who they are and how they each impacted my life.

Annie Liebovitz said in her autobiography that as a photographer, her greatest honor and responsibility is photographing her family. I couldn't agree more.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Unexpected Treasures

While driving home after a photo shoot in Clay WV, Brooke P. and I stumbled upon this little gem of a scene. As I veered off the road onto what appeared to be a gravel parking lot, I asked if she minded if I took a shot or two. My assumption was the gravel constituted a parking lot. Not that I can explain why a lot off the side of the road close only to this church was needed. retrospect I don't think I even gave Brooke much of a choice. I may have been putting the Jeep in "park" as I made my request. Being the good sport that she is, Brooke waited in the car as I jumped out to get my snaps.

Traveling down unknown roads often reveal surprises. This just happens to be the surprise that caught my eye today.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Making a splash!

I am not a "blogger", well I wasn't. In this age of digital media and online communities it's so amazingly simple to stay in touch, get instant info, make new friends and .....the list goes on. My intention with this blog is to post photos that aren't necessarily business related. Shots I like, fun I had taking them and pretty much anything of interest to me. I just hope anyone following my posts will enjoy the random photographic eye candy that surrounds me, and see something in it as well.

This first shot I am posting makes me laugh so much. Not only do I love the texture of the water spraying up over my friend Jon's head, but I couldn't stop laughing while capturing his athletic attempts! He's a good sport.